Wednesday, November 17, 2010

oh the places I'll go: If only I knew what to choose!

Today's dilemma: what do I want to pursue under the umbrella of student affairs/higher ed.

Maybe not so much a dilemma, since I don't have to choose now, but I feel like the sooner I realize the better off I'll be.

Reslife. Having been an RA for 3 years of my undergrad, it is something that I naturally lean to pursuing. I am *hoping* to get a graduate apprenticeship in this area, I just don't know if it something I could do long term? I miss it terribly, but it seems like such a stressful job that I don't know if I could handle it for a long time. So much respect to those who do! Sometimes it seems like a job that's hard to get away from, although that may be only if I go down the Center Coordinator route. For sure need to look into my other options under the Housing umbrella :)

Student Life. I don't know that I was ever "heavily" involved in Student Life, but anything I was a part of , I definitely loved with all my heart. If I could do Camp Crimson until I'm 83, I would. If I could work with Sooner Scandals until I'm 96, I would. My biggest fear about going this route is I don't know if I'm right for it. Sure, I love it a lot, but I don't know that my personality suits the area well... I'd be afraid of falling short in comparison to those who are much more involved I suppose.

Maybe somewhere else entirely! I think I would enjoy working for the journalism college/department on a campus (I find it hard to pull myself away from how much I love media, advertising, PR). I know I would probably love working in recruitment or another job where I could work with freshmen.

All I know is I love college, I love sharing my enthusiasm with others and making them love college like I do. Hopefully no matter what I fall into, I'll always have the chance of doing that. <3

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to place one vote for Housing and Residence Life. I often think of it as a microcosm of Student Affairs.

    Activities, Crisis, Diversity, Leadership ... all wrapped up in a 24 hour, intense environment.

    You might find this recent Chronicle article interesting.
