Monday, January 2, 2012

#oneword2012: passionate

There are a lot of things I want to be in 2012, but mostly I want to live more passionately. I am by nature a very cautious person, but I don't want my fears of failure to get in the way of committing to the things I care about. The bigs things and the small things.

What is life without passion?
I want to do things I believe in.
I want to do things with more than 100%, more than 120%. 
I want to give things my all.

I only have one life.
A life, composed of days and hours and minutes, all of which I want to enjoy.
I want to indulge in the things that have the deepest home in my heart.
I want to smell,
I want to taste,
I want to hear,
I want to see,
I want to touch,
I want to feel every day.
With all of my heart.
With passion.

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