Friday, July 1, 2011

stocking up

I always feel there is a need to say "Hi," "Thinking of You," "Miss You," "Thank You," or "I Love You" to somebody - so I'm trying to build up my card/stationary collection!

Today I made a trip to Marshalls, which is without a doubt one of my favorite places to stock up on supplies. They never fail me in having cute things at cheap prices, and once again, they came through!

How cute is this? I love love love the style and I think it's a really fun way 
to basically ask "how are you doing?" 
20 notecards & envelopes, Katie Daisy, $5.99

I love this set! Again, not something I see all the time, simple and beautiful.
And bonus! I love that it's in a silver tin I can reuse!
12 notecards & envelopes, Fringe, $5.50

I bought this mainly for the cute packaging
&the color palette. The picture really doesn't do it justice!
50 cards & envelopes, Graphique de France, $5.99

This pack had multiple sets of cards with different images. 
A kind of indie design that I really enjoy!

And look, another bonus!
I LOVE the box it came in & can't wait to use it for other trinkets.
20 notecards & envelopes, Maxine Sutton embroidery/ Galison NY, $3.50

I'm completely over the moon with all my purchases & I'm about to look some of these brands up to see if I can find more for a steal! Even if I can't, I know there will be many more trips to Marshalls (or TJ Maxx!) in the future just for this reason.

xoxo erikah