Thursday, July 8, 2010

first part of the journey.

I used to be a huge 'plan' creator, and then came to the conclusion that life is meant to be unplanned.
Then I was lost. Haha.

So I have returned to creating plans, but just allowing them to be more open to change.

The Two Year Plan
-Fall 2010: Return to my hometown of Waxahachie, Texas, and try to get a job with WISD, Navarro Community College, or Southwestern Assemblies of God University. If that doesn't pan out, hopefully a job that will allow me to use my public relations degree.
-Summer 2011: Internship. To be discussed in the latter part of this entry.
-Fall 2011: Graduate school at the University of Oklahoma, aiming for a master's degree in Adult and Higher Education.

I plan to commit to Adult and Higher Ed because I love the college atmosphere and don't really want to leave it behind. I think it is broad enough that I can find a specialization of something I enjoy and work in that element on a college campus.

I am most excited about an internship! I've actually never had an internship before. I am most worried about my graduate status at that point - I know many companies/organizations like interns who can work for course credit, but I will be out of school at that time, so hopefully that won't count against me.

What I'm interested in/internships I have looked into:
Paste Magazine, Fueled by Ramen record label, Saddle Creek record label, Urban Outfitters (and their fellow brands), Paramount Vantage, and miscellaneous other ones. I love film and music, would enjoy tourism, or especially some social project (think Truth campaign). I also have recently fallen back in love with dance ♥. I would love to become a drill team director for a high school, but know that that is a long shot considering I haven't danced since high school and I only danced in high school, but it is something I love with all of my heart. I would love to get an internship with ADTS (American Drill/Drill Team) or something similar.

The other thing I would like most in an internship is where it is located! I am looking for one outside of the southern-midwest region. I would love to go to Seattle, Denver, Portland, Boston, Nashville, Raleigh.. who knows.

I just want to experience something different.
Something new.
I am the only person who can take control of my life and I'm determined to make the best of it!

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